Diesel catalyst


The main components of diesel engine exhaust include CO, HC, NOx, and particulate matter (PM). The catalyst products used by SPMC for purifying diesel engine exhaust include oxidation catalysts (DOC), selective catalytic reduction catalysts (SCR), ammonia leakage catalysts (ASC), particulate filters (CDPF), and particulate oxidation catalysts (POC). Based on the different exhaust characteristics of diesel engines, different product combinations are used to achieve the simultaneous treatment of diesel engine emissions and particulate matter. Diesel engine catalysts are mainly suitable for light diesel vehicles (such as sedans, SUVs, MPVs), heavy-duty diesel vehicles (such as buses, heavy-duty trucks, forklifts, etc.), as well as other non road diesel engine fixed equipment or devices.

Oxidized catalyst DOC

Installed in the exhaust system of diesel vehicles, it converts carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC) in the engine exhaust into harmless water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) through oxidation reactions. It can be used alone or in combination with POC, DPF, and SCR.

Selective catalytic reduction catalyst SCR

Suitable for post-treatment of NOx emissions from diesel engines. Introducing urea as a reducing agent at the front end of the SCR catalyst, urea hydrolyzes to NH3 and reduces NO and NO2 in the exhaust to N2, effectively removing NOx under oxygen rich conditions in diesel engines. The SCR products of SPMC have good low-temperature activity, wide temperature window, and stability, and can meet the national V emission standards when matched with the entire machine.

POC (Particle Oxidation Catalyst)

Used to capture and oxidize particulate matter in engine exhaust, while reducing CO and HC emissions. Compared with other particulate matter post-treatment technologies, POC has the advantages of low cost and simple structure.

CDPF (Catalyst Diesel Particle Filter)

Suitable for the treatment of soot particles in diesel engine emissions. By loading catalytic materials on the wall flow honeycomb carrier, the capture of carbon soot particles is achieved, and catalytic combustion is used to reduce the oxidation temperature of carbon soot and achieve regeneration. SPMC's CDPF products have high particle capture efficiency and strong catalytic regeneration ability.

Technical advantages

• Provide V-based and molecular sieve SCR product technology, offering cost-effective and stable product solutions

Provide ASC product technology to effectively control ammonia leakage

Low temperature and high activity DOC product technology

Large scale carrier coating technology can meet manufacturing requirements such as coating uniformity, consistency, and back pressure control

Whole system matching technology, based on diesel engine types and emission characteristics, comprehensively designs different product technologies to develop targeted and systematic emission solutions for customers
